Fotona TightSculpting: Life-Changing Non-Surgical Body Shaping

Fotona TightSculpting is a non-invasive, non-surgical body-shaping treatment. It uses laser energy to reduce fatty tissue, stimulate collagen production, and tighten skin.

Our skin loses its firmness as we age, and skin laxity can also come about after pregnancy or having otherwise lost a significant amount of weight.

Either way, while exercise and a good diet are crucial to maintaining firm skin, there’s some loose skin it just seems impossible to shift.

Enter: Fotona TightSculpting.

What are the benefits of non-surgical fat reduction?

Fotona TightSculpting is a non-invasive form of fat reduction. That means there’s no downtime after your treatment—get right back to your day once we’re done!

TightSculpting is one of the best treatments for love handles and loose skin. What’s more, it is a non-ablative laser treatment, meaning it doesn’t cause bruising. There will be no telltale signs you’ve had treatment of any kind.

How does Fotona TightSculpting work?

As TightSculpting works on reducing fat and stimulating collagen growth, we recommend you undergo a course of treatments, each building on the last.

Maximum results are achieved over time, as new collagen grows and fat cells are destroyed.

While ‘love handles’ are the most common area of concern for our clients, TightSculpting can also target your:

Phase 1

Laser energy stimulates lipolysis, the temperature at which fat cells are destroyed. As they break down, the body naturally disperses the fat. The surrounding cells are unharmed.

The laser heats the deep tissues safely, rapidly, comfortably and uniformly, concentrating delivery to stimulate your body’s metabolism of fat.

This is non-invasive, working subcutaneously, leaving the surface of your skin intact.

Phase 2

The laser stimulates collagen remodelling, reducing the laxity of your skin as your body metabolises fat. It tightens your existing collagen fibres without causing trauma to your skin.

The result: an overall improvement in elasticity, giving your skin a fresh, firm, renewed appearance.

You may not need to undergo both phases 1 and 2

Some clients have phase 2 (skin tightening) as a standalone treatment.

If you also undergo phase 1 (fat reduction), we take measurements of the area before and after any given session.

You’ll be astounded by the results!

Clients often witness a significant loss in their overall measurements before they’ve even left the clinic after their first session!

What can I expect during and after the treatment?

An advanced technology to transform your life

At The HVN, we’re proud to have been performing Fotona TightSculpting for many years. It’s hard to overstate the impact this non-surgical body-shaping treatment has had on hundreds of clients’ confidence.

We offer every client a bespoke fat reduction and collagen stimulation treatment, tailored precisely to their individual needs and concerns.

Rejuvenate your complexion. Enjoy firmer-looking skin. Get ready to look better than you have in years.

Don’t delay. Book your consultation with one of our experts today.